Time Charge
If you prefer to pay on a time basis we can keep accurate records of the time we spend on projects. We charge at a rate of £80 per hour for each of our architects, excluding VAT.
What we can do....
Design - we take in what's there, what you want and create sketch designs for you to look at. Once you're happy we'll develop the design and then apply for planning permission.
Detail - we'll develop the design information so it shows how the building is put together. This includes all the information required for a building regulations application. On small projects you can use this information for your builder to work from.
Or, if it's a more complex project we can add more construction detail & specify what finishes and fixtures you want to be priced, so you're clear on what you'll get.
Deliver - here we  go out for quotes for the building work. We'll then put in place a contract with the builder your happy with and then administer the contract- so you're confident that you only pay for work that has been completed in line with our drawings.
We'll inspect the build, answer queries and keep you appraised of the budget as the build goes on all the way through till you've moved in. We even come back after a year to make sure any defects have been put right once the building has settled in.

Other points...
Pricing Letter - After you get in touch with us, we will happily come and see you to discuss the project for free, we'll then write to you to confirm what we'll do and what we'll charge- so you're entirely sure of what you'll get and what you'll pay.
Other Costs - To design your project there will be some other costs you will have to pay. These are for things like application fees (e.g. Planning and Building Regulations) and consultants (e.g. Structural Engineers'). We'll advise who may need to be involved and what this may cost at the outset (usually in our Pricing letter to you).
We'll then get quotes from the best local consultants, for you to choose from, as the design progresses.
Not Local? - We're happy to work anywhere, but to keep our standard prices low we have to charge a little bit more for projects further afield, to cover our travel costs.
We'll discuss this with you at the outset, so don't worry!
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